Monday, May 18, 2020

Top 4 Things to Do After Your Cosmetic Surgery

Top 4 Things to Do After Your Cosmetic Surgery So far you’ve been a model patient. You made all the preparations recommended by your surgeon and even arranged for someone to take you home once the medical team processed the release. Now you are about to embark on the recovery period. Make sure you do these four things and the potential for complications will be kept to a minimum. Consume Nutritious Food You may be tired and some days the idea of consuming anything will hold no appeal. That’s natural after any type of procedure, including different forms of    plastic surgery. The thing to remember is that your body needs nutrition in order to heal properly. Even if you don’t feel like it, try to have something. Many people find that even if they have no appetite, having something does make them want to have a little more. Don’t worry about your lack of appetite in the days immediately following the procedure. It will return a little at a time. Within a week, it should be back to normal. Use Your Pain Medication According to Instructions Pain medication is not unusual after cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, many patients will use this resource in a manner other than the one intended by the surgeon. Some people will do their best to avoid taking the medication. Perhaps there is a fear of becoming too dependent on it, or that it will make them unable to think. Others will rationalize taking more than the daily dose recommended by the medical professional. This is often the case with people who would rather not feel any discomfort at all. Unless you notice unpleasant side effects from using the medication, take it as directed. If there are some side effects you find distressing, call the surgeon’s office. There may be a different pain medication that would work better in your case. The Bandages Stay On It’s natural to want a look at what is happening under the bandages. Resist that urge. The only time the bandages need to be off is when they require changing or when the surgeon decides you no longer need them. In the meantime, those bandages are protecting your skin from possible infection. Don’t complicate things because of simple curiosity. Report Complications Immediately The surgeon will go over the basics of what to expect after the procedure. That includes some idea of how long the swelling will be present, what sort of discharge may be found on the bandages, and the type of discomfort that is normal with your type of surgery. Should anything develop that seems to be outside what you were told to expect, don’t hesitate to call and report the issue. Prior to the procedure, feel free to ask any questions that come to mind. Rest assured your plastic surgeon will be happy to answer them. Make sure you know what to expect in the days and weeks after the procedure is complete. Follow the surgeon’s instructions to the letter and report anything that seems out of the ordinary. Doing so will improve the odds for a speedy recovery.

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