Friday, May 29, 2020

How a Password Can Change a Recruiters Life

How a Password Can Change a Recruiter’s Life The first computer password was created in 1961 (according to Mashable), however I bet the Germans (with their Enigma machine) would have something to say about that statement! Recruiters all over the world have countless systems, and countless more operations and IT staff begging them  to keep their passwords safe! Still, from time to time we respond to hacking emails asking us about our first pet and Grandmas name so we can find out our porn star name   What a scam! (Did you even realise that this was what these spammy emails initially were for?) And every month (if our systems are setup to do this) we are asked to come up with a new password.   I can see your “new password face” now â€" either frowning and starring top left / right etc… to visualise a new password.   Or better yet, trying to remember the  next number / character on our qwerty keyboard to add to our existing password  (do you do that?). Passwords should change your life! The vast majority of us  all want to change or be better at what we do, and its fair to say that: Most recruiters I know want to bill better, faster and with less mucking about with systems and social media. Most recruitment leaders I work with want the above, plus a profitable business and happy team (and an exit date!). Most Recruitment Marketers I work with want their recruiters to love them, convert the leads they generate for them and be allowed to really support the business with viable marketing strategies. Most of us want to lose / maintain weight, be 10 years (or more) longer, read more, run more, eat less (or at least wine and chocolate be calorie and guilt free!) But alas, some of what we want is often not within our power to get… or is it? How a password changed a recruiter’s life? Right, theres a really interest blog post by Mauricio Estrella published by  Huffington Post  entitled “How a password changed my life”.   It’s all about how one man  used his monthly password reminder to drive him to achieve his goals and ultimately be a better person.  Now, this isn’t an article written by a geek techie espousing that your password is secret and should be changed regularly; it’s about Mauricio, a man who decided to use the process of changing his password to help him achieve his goals.   Constantly getting  frustrated with the password change “bong!” you get each month is pointless.   Your IT team is  not out to pee you off, rather they’re there to secure your data and keep you “up” (uptime is critical in IT…) So, with all of the recruitment companies we work with, and the goals and KPIs we often see across various boards, my team and I thought wed come up with some password ideas to keep recruiters motivated, and help them achieve their goals. Passwords to help an agency recruiter hit targets! Without further ado, here’s what we came up with: G3t0nth3Ph0ne C5ll20NewClients Cl3anMyData H1tTarg3t Sm5shT5rget P1ckUpThePh0ne S1tUpStra1ght Sm1l3AndD1al Dr1nkW5ter pl4NmYd4y Go2th3gyM Cle4rema1lsd0wn G3tSh1tD0ne B00kClientM33tings SendS0meCVs G3tN1che Buy5Porsche D0ntSm0ke Il0vemyB055 F0ll0wUPEveryLe5d M5ke100Call5 And if you have achieved all of your goals, but need a little love… why not go for  URAmaz1ng? Thanks Mauricio â€" very inspiring! Now, of course without giving away your passwords, what could you create to keep you focussed and motivated as a recruiter?

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