Monday, March 9, 2020

Spotting the Real Leaders

Spotting the Real Leaders Spotting the Real LeadersWho are the real leaders in an organization?Leaders arent born, they are made. Unfortunately, some leaders are made the wrong way. Throughout history, there are in fact, many successful and effective leaders who are not shining role models Hitler, Kim Jong Un, Robert Mugabe, the list goes on. Indeed, they are all intelligent, successful, manipulative, and excellent orators. Because of this, these few traits should be carefully watched for in your own organization to differentiate the dictators from the real leaders.Spotting the FakesLeaders think they need to lead because theyre better than everyone else.A schwimmbad leader who believes that they have some divine right, bloodline or superiority has historically not been beneficial to society as a whole. Narcissism and hubris are familiar traits that are often seen with these sort of leaders.Leaders who shine in the spotlight and hide in the shadows.A bad leader will usually be the fi rst to shine in the public but at any moment of uncertainty, they will divert all questions to anyone else or make a joke of the situation.Leaders who communicate only what they want people to hear.A bad leader will manipulate their announcements into phrases that are very ambiguous often holding off much desired information. Theyre the ones who believe government shouldnt alarm the city when theres an attack because they dont want to stir panic among the citizens.Leaders who wont sacrifice themselves.A bad leader wont lay down anything for anyone. If you can play a game of what-if, bad leaders usually wont sacrifice anything personal for gains in the organization.A true leader would instead be humble, share the successes while carry the blames, set clear expectations, and would never abandon or give up on their people. Those leaders, such as Leonidas of the Spartans, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela are glorified forever for their willingness to sacrifice their safety and well- being for the betterment of their people.A leader can herd sheep but a real leader will not abandon their sheep to a pack of wolves. In fact, it isillegalfor a ship captain to abandon ship. Captain Francesco Schettino, leader of the Costa Concordia, a ship that sank in 2012, is now facing criminal charges for leaving ship before his passengers. So ask yourself this, would your captain try to save you or leave for the first lifeboat?

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