Saturday, March 14, 2020

7 Common Body Language Mistakes People Make During Interviews

7 Common Body Language Mistakes People Make During InterviewsYou may talk a big game, but you might be surprised to know that talking makes up a small parte of human communication. Some people are great listeners, but by nature, we receive more information from our eyes than from our ears. When it comes to job einstellungsgesprchs, even with the perfect outfit, amazing credentials, and a fantastic introduction, if your body language is poor, youre damaging your chances of landing the job googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) Here are seven body language mistakes to avoid.1. SlouchingIt doesnt matter how comfortable the chair issinking into it willgive a bad impression. Sit and stand upright, and hold your shoulders back. If you look too relaxed, your interviewer may get the impression that you arent taking the interview seriously, and in turn, wont take the job seriously.2. Getting fidgetyFidgeting is a nervous habit for many of us. Interviews are very trying on your nerves, especially if youre particularly excited about the prospective job. Refrain from fidgetingno jittery, nervous hands or bouncing legs. Keep yourself calm.3. Forgetting to make eye contactEye contact and trustworthiness go hand in hand. When establishing a connection with your interviewer, you should make eye contact. On the other hand, staring into someones eyes without taking a break can read as creepy and make your interviewer uncomfortable, so just make eye contact for a few seconds here and there while youre speaking.4. Nodding excessivelyYou may want to seem agreeable, but constantly nodding while someone is speaking can actually give them the impression youre merely waiting for them to finish talking because you have something to say. If your interviewer feels like youre rushing them through, theyll get the impression you dont care about the current conversation. Listen attentively without moving around. Just focus on the information being relay ed to you.5. Crossing your armsIf the chair youre sitting in doesnt have armrest, it can be difficult to figure out where to put your arms. Crossing them may translate as hostile, as youre metaphorically closing yourself off from the situation. Fold your hands and place them in your lap, or better yet, carry a elendepad and a pen so you can jot down important things. Give your hands something to do that isnt distracting.6. Not showingexpressionWhen someones meeting you for the first time, they may not be familiar with your subtleties. Aquick wit andclever jokes are usually appreciated in most social settings, but its important that the person youre talking to knows how to interpret your humor. Your facial expressions need to match your desired intentionthis means smiling, raising your eyebrows, or making other emotive gestures that match yourdialogue.7. Breaking the bubble of personal spaceThere are certain formalities that involve people being close, such as handshakes, or even hig h fives, depending on the culture of the company youre interviewing for. Whats important is that physical closeness is limited only to these occasions. Never lean over the desk or stand too close to your interviewer. You might think youre coming across as friendly, but you could be making someoneuncomfortable.When youre running through your example interview questions and preparing your answers, try delivering them in front of a mirror as you watch your body language. If you want to hit home with your delivery, you need to present yourself as the complete package.Kelly Smith is an experienced writer and tutor working at Career FAQs. Shes keen on new motivational tools and productivity hacks. Shes also interested in the new media.

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